Cubo Mágico Escola

by ClipEscola



The Magic Cube Infant School is a family project, created for families with the aim of providing an innovative, contemporary, open and transparent education, that believes in communication between all who are part of the learning of children.Born of desire and dream of creating a different educational environment: a school that involved the joy, the pleasure of being together and were fed by the smells, noises, the wonderment of children, for art, for engaging projects and the excitement of educators and movement of families; where children are listened to, respected and challenged; families are heard and invited to participate in the education of children everyday.Thus arises the Magic Cube School Infantil® Education, represented by the symbolism of the three-dimensionality of an intelligent puzzle, inspired by the words of the poem of the Hundred Languages ​​of Children (Loris Malaguizzi), based the pedagogy of listening, the methodology of investigative projects; the organization of the relationship of children, spaces, and education; and the passion that awakens in all the pedagogical approach of Reggio Emilia, of Italian origin and considered one of the best practices of World Childhood Education since 1991, when praised by Newsweek magazine.Thus, by incorporating this new concept - educator space and stimulating creativity, we hope to finally help the children to have more and more possibilities of expression, learning and socializing, and that space is always a good instrument for this.